UBC Zoom & Teams Video Retention Policy
Effective Oct 31, 2023, UBC will automatically remove video recordings from Zoom and Microsoft Teams
one year after each video is recorded.
This new video retention policy will affect all faculty, staff, and student employees who use UBC accounts to record with these tools. Detailed instructions can be found at Zoom and Microsoft Teams video retention policy. More information about (1) alternative video storage options, (2) recovery of deleted recordings, (3) using previous lecture recordings, and (4) frequently asked questions can be found in this document.
UBC’s Student Mental Health Provider
Effective Nov 1, 2023, Here2Talk will be the new student mental health assistance provider. It allows students to have immediate access to counselling and community referral services across phone, online chat, and mobile app. No matter where they are in the world, UBC students can access Here2Talk anytime and as frequently as they require. Its services are free and available 24/7, in multiple languages.
Feel free to share this with the students in your courses who may need assistance
Technology Borrowing from UBC Library
UBC Library offers students and faculty members options to borrow technology items, including laptops, chargers, headphones, microphones, and more. Visit this page to explore your available options and access these resources.
UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) organized resources for inclusive teaching. Feel free to check them out here.
Academic Integrity & Plagiarism
If you have concerns about plagiarism or academic integrity with a specific student, Associate Dean, Students, is your first point of contact. Additionally, UBC Academic Integrity provides non-punitive ways to turn an incident into more of a teachable moment.
A reminder to note the importance of being flexible with our students when they face hardships and illness. See this file for guidelines and more information, particularly with regard to supporting singular (one incident) vs. more recurring medical issues.
Teaching Support and Canvas Resources
For questions about Canvas, educational technologies, and exam support, feel free to contact the Forestry Teaching & Learning Support Team via forestry.tls@ubc.ca
In addition, we organized the Canvas & EdTech Resources Site (view here) to compile key resources for setting up Canvas courses for instructors, teaching assistants, and staff in Forestry.


Teaching Funding Opportunities
Forestry Teaching Innovation Fund
The Forestry Teaching Innovation Fund (FTIF) aims to support innovative teaching practices, experimentation with pedagogical approaches, and applications of emerging learning technologies to improve accessibility and inclusion while maintaining academic integrity in the Faculty of Forestry. Please submit the application form to Michelle Zeng, Senior Manager, Education Strategies (michelle.zeng@ubc.ca) by the end of day on Oct 27.
Small Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) aims to support the experimentation of pedagogical approaches that will improve innovation in teaching and learning. Learn more about Small TLEF Innovation projects and how to apply by visiting the TLEF website.
The deadline is 3pm on Nov 16, 2023.
UBC Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund
The 2023-2024 Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund is now open for applications. This fund supports projects that UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan priority actions. Visit this website for more information.
Forestry TA Mentoring Sessions
Forestry Teaching & Learning Drop-in Sessions
Time: Fridays (11 am – 12 pm) | Online
We host weekly drop-in session to answer teaching related questions. Instructors and TAs are welcome to join the Zoom meeting.
CTLT Workshop: Navigating Emotional Responses in the Classroom
Time: Oct 26 (10am – 12 pm) | Online
Explore how race and power dynamics have emotional impacts in the classroom environment, and learn how to interact with emotional responses as points of pedagogical and relational engagement. Register here.
CTLT Workshop: Inclusive Teaching Practices
Time: Nov 1 (10am – 12 pm) | In-person
In this session, you will have an opportunity to deepen your awareness of your own teaching practice as it relates to inclusive teaching. Register here.

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to share or questions to ask?