If you are teaching any of the CBM courses and expect to use a specific piece of software on the MIF/MSFM/MGEM laptops, please complete this form and email it back to forestry.ithelp@ubc.ca.
For software suggestions, see here for the commonly requested software. Additionally, please email forestry.ithelp@ubc.ca if you are interested in using any software that is not listed.
Please note that Remsoft Woodstock and Trimble Realworks cannot be installed on the same computer. There are limitations induced by the vendors with no available workaround. Trimble eCognition is not impacted by Realworks limitations.
If you want to use a new package that
has a cost, please discuss with the program director first and receive approval.
Software requests that have a cost and are not approved by the program director will not be installed. You have up to the last week of July to request changes by sending an updated form. Once the laptops are built and stored away, no changes will be made.