Make-Up Monday – Change to Academic Scheduling this October
The Vancouver Senate has approved a schedule alteration for Thursday, October 12, 2023, designating it as a “Make-up Monday” in response to a calendar imbalance that disproportionately affected Monday classes due to statutory holidays
(full details here on pages 29-31).
Regularly scheduled classes for that Thursday are canceled and replaced by those usually held on Mondays.
Key actions for instructors:
If your course is scheduled on a Monday or a Thursday, please highlight this schedule change in your course syllabus. Key messages:
(1) If you have a Term 1 course scheduled on a Monday:
Important: Thursday, October 12, 2023 has been designated as a “Make-up Monday” for the Term 1 academic schedule. Classes scheduled for Thursday, October 12 are cancelled, and will be replaced by the classes normally scheduled on a Monday. This includes our course. Please ensure you plan to attend our Monday class at its regular time and location on Thursday, October 12.
(2) If you have a Term 1 course scheduled on a Thursday:
Important: Thursday, October 12, 2023 has been designated as a “Make-up Monday” for the Term 1 academic schedule. Classes normally scheduled for Thursday, October 12 are cancelled, and will be replaced by classes normally scheduled on a Monday. This includes our course. Please note that our Thursday, October 12 class is cancelled.
Please avoid scheduling midterm examinations or other assessments on Make-up Monday, October 12.
If you have questions about the logistics of Make-up Monday, please contact Scheduling Services at
Kaltura Cloud Migration is Complete
All Kaltura videos hosted at UBC are now moved into the Kaltura cloud. UBC LT Hub has also been running scripts to automatically update Kaltura videos embedded normally in Canvas courses (e.g., videos displayed in a Canvas module or page), so that they point to the videos’ new location in the cloud. This updating process will continue during the next several weeks, as we continue to identify the different ways that Kaltura videos have been embedded in courses.
Feel free to access and manage your Kaltura videos through the new Teaching & Learning Media Portal at
or via Canvas.
Learn what you need to do in the final part of the process.
(1) For Kaltura videos shared in Canvas courses, please confirm that the videos have been correctly updated by checking if they use the Kaltura cloud video player.
(2) For Kaltura videos embedded outside of Canvas, you must manually update each video link by October 1, 2023.
If you have questions, feel free to contact
Additionally, you can
register for a Kaltura workshop, held at noon on variable dates each month. These one-hour introductory sessions will delve into the features available in the Kaltura cloud.


UG lab Software Request for 2023-2024 Teaching Year
Forestry Teaching & Learning Seminar (Recording)
On May 16, Dr. Sara Barron demonstrated discussion-based online platforms to extend and enrich classroom conversations. The recording can be found
Forestry Teaching & Learning Drop-in Sessions
Time: Fridays (1 – 2 pm)
We host weekly drop-in session to answer teaching related questions. Instructors and TAs are welcome to join the
Zoom meeting.
2023 CTLT Spring Institute
Time: May 29 – June 1
The CTLT Spring Institute focuses on purposeful innovation in teaching practices, educational research, student services, and learning technology to support student success and experiences. Visit
Spring Institute Events
for registration.
New and Creative Ways to Embed Climate and Sustainability in your Class: Approaches from Five Faculties at UBC
Time: May 31 (11 am – 12:30 pm)
Participants will hear from faculty members from Applied Science, Arts, Education, Medicine, and Science who have first-hand experience in developing innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability and climate education with support from the Sustainability Hub.
Register here.

Have news to share or questions to ask?