If you need final exam support such as setting up Canvas quizzes (extra time and attempts), gradebook, LockDown Browser,
and Zoom invigilation, feel free to contact
Exam Hardships, Clashes, & Cancellations
For more information regarding UBC’s policies on exam clashes, hardships, and cancellations, please check out the following article.
Uploading Grades to Faculty Services Centre
A gentle reminder for all instructors to submit final student grades to the Faculty Service Centre (FSC) after posting the grades on Canvas. All final grades must be submitted to FSC either:
(1) 7 business days following the examination date OR
(2) 5 days following examination dates written on the last 2 days of the examination period.
Please refer to the FSC User Guide for information on uploading grades (p. 16-24) and other features of FSC. Additionally, please refer to LT Hub’s Uploading Canvas Grades to FSC Guide for instructions on downloading the Canvas gradebook (.csv file), reformatting and then uploading it to FSC.
Classroom AV & Lecture Capturing
If you are teaching in the Faculty of Forestry next term and would like to test the AV and lecture capturing system in
your assigned classrooms, please contact
forestry.tls@ubc.ca to book an AV demo.
If your assigned classrooms are outside of our faculty, we would be happy to help you try the AV system in a Forestry classroom with similar setups.
More information about classroom recording and live streaming can be found
Canvas & Learning Tools Support
If you have questions about setting up Canvas for your courses next term, please reach out to us via forestry.tls@ubc.ca
and/or check out the tip-sheets here.
Approval for New Courses in the Faculty
As preparations to implement Workday Student begin, procedures regarding creating new courses have been updated. Please refer to the announcement that can be found here.
UG Computing Lab Refresh & New Term Preloading
If you are teaching in UG computing labs this term, please inform your students to get their data off any UG machines by
Dec 24 by themselves. Between Christmas and the New Year, all the UG systems will be wiped off student data and then readied for the next term. Non-Forestry student access will be removed.
If you are teaching next term in computing labs, email forestry.ithelp@ubc.ca the course name. The IT Team will preload any non-Forestry students in to the system so that they can sign in. If requiring the remote only systems, ensure to comment on this in the email so the IT Team can add the students to the correct list.


Forestry Teaching & Learning Drop-in
Time: Fridays (1 – 2 pm)
We organize weekly drop-in sessions to
answer teaching related questions. Instructors and TAs are welcome to join the
Zoom meeting.
Early Alert Orientation: Supporting Students
Time: Dec 13 (9:30 am – 10:30 am)
Get familiar with Early Alert, an easy-to-use system that connects students experiencing academic or wellbeing
difficulties with resources and support. Register here.
Balancing Student Flexibility, Choice and Self-direction for the Whole Class as a Hybrid and Multi-access Learning
Time: Dec 13 (11 am – 12:30 pm)
Hear about the hybrid approach used in undergraduate courses and discuss the feasibility of applying certain hybrid
practices in unique classroom settings. Forestry’s own professor, Dr. Suborna Ahmed, will be presenting at this event.
Register here.
Teaching Funding & Awards
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Dissemination Fund
Rolling deadlines eachmonth
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Seed Program
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Fellows Program
Nominations will be made by the Associate Dean, Academic in Jan 2023
Students as Partners (SaP) Fund
More details on these programs can be found here.

Have news to share or questions to ask?