Week of April 10, 2024

Teaching & Learning News

Week of April 10, 2024

End of Term Reminders

Grades Submission Deadline

Grades for all courses this term must be submitted to the Faculty Service Centre (FSC):

(1) within 7 working days following the final exam date (grades on Canvas do not count as submitted)

(2) by April 26 for courses without final exams.

(3) by May 3 if the final exam is written on the last 2 days of the exam period.

(4) by May 3 if the final grades or grades-to-date are for graduating students. Delays
will result in students unable to graduate.

More details about how to submit grades to FSC can be found here.

Final Exam Tip-sheets & Support

We organized this tip-sheet to summarize 
the intricacies of UBC exam policies, academic accommodation, invigilation, and more
. Additionally, check out this tip-sheet on  the logistics for various exam options (e.g., in-person paper exam, in-person computer exam, and online Canvas exam). If you need further exam support, feel free to contact forestry.tls@ubc.ca.

Exam Hardships, Clashes, & Cancellations

For more information regarding UBC’s policies on exam clashes, hardships, and cancellations, please check out the
following page.

Faculty Reminders

2023 Winter Term 2 SEI Surveys

Student Experience of Instruction (SEI) Surveys are available until April 15 for most courses, please remind
students to complete surveys at

UBC Zoom Video Retention Policy Postponed

The new Zoom video retention policy has been postponed. Once the new date is confirmed, it will be announced.

Detailed information can be found
For further questions, please contact forestry.tls@ubc.ca.

Sustainability Education Fellows Program

UBC Vancouver faculty members who are leading the design of new sustainability courses and programs are invited to apply to this program. Register for the information session on April 25 here.

The deadline to apply is May 13. Learn more here.

Forestry UG Computing Labs Rebuilding & Software Requests

The Forestry UG computing labs are scheduled for rebuilding, with requested teaching software from May 1 to May 7.

If you have summer teaching plans, please submit this form to forestry.ithelp@ubc.ca.

Workshops & Events

MKRF Psychological First Aid Lunch and Learn (Recap)

On April 3, the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest (MKRF) hosted a program on Psychological First Aid led by Victoria Farahbakhchian, the Field Education Manager. The program also covered a 3-hour course on caring for yourself and others during psychological stress.
More related courses offered by MKRF can be found here.

Forestry Teaching and Learning Drop-in Sessions

Time: Fridays (12 – 1 pm) | Online
We host weekly drop-in session to answer teaching and TA-related questions. Instructors and TAs are welcome to join the Zoom meeting.

LFS Learning Centre Speaker Series: Designing Flexible Hybrid Writing Instruction in LFS and Forestry From the Ground Up

Time: April 12 (12pm) | Online
In this session, Lindsay Cuff and the other members of the project team will talk about their TLEF project to redesign
LFS/FRST 150. They will be giving an overview of the rationale for the project, their process for redesigning the course, and the writing resource they are creating that you might be able to use in your own course. Register here.


UBC Open Education Resources (OER) Excellence and Impact Award

Congratulations to Dr. Suborna Ahmed who received the UBC Vancouver Individual Award! She has focused on
developing multiple free and openly licensed educational resources. She has worked with students on the creation of many
of these resources, mentoring and fostering a collaborative environment for OER development.

Forestry Killam Teaching Prize for 2023/2024

Congratulations to Dr. Fernanda Tomaselli who will receive this year’s Killam Teaching Prize in Forestry! This award recognizes Fernanda’s dedication to teaching excellence and reflects innovative and interactive approaches to engage students on complex conservation and forestry issues.

Additionally, Dr. Neil Leveridge was named runner-up. Drs. David Bunn and Taraneh Sowlati also had their nominations shortlisted.

In total, eight extraodinary instructors were nominated for the Killam Teaching Prize in Forestry this year. We congratulate all our nominees and are lucky to have them as colleagues.

Additional Links

Have news to share or questions to ask?

Contact us at forestry.tls@ubc.ca