Dear instructor,
I am Patricia Foster, supervisor for the Woodward Library Course Reserve Unit.
You may start submitting your Winter 2021 reading lists for UBC Library course reserve as soon as your courses appear in the registrars. You may also send your list of readings directly to the syllabus service at, and they will take care of inputting your request into Library Online Course Reserves (LOCR), digitizing and arranging for permissions on your behalf for articles and chapters into LOCR/Canvas. Where you require a text, which is only in print format at the UBC Library, we will also look to arrange for an e-book version for that title.
You may also use the LOCR (Library Online Course Reserves) self-serve, if you wish, by logging into LOCR ( ) with your Campus Wide Login (CWL), selecting your course, clicking on the “add an item” tab and then following the prompts. From that interface you may also clone/copy over readings from a previous term. *** Please note that readings and digitized chapters/articles will need to be vetted by the permissions office for new course dates and expire when the course has concluded. There is also a user’s guide for instructors available for your convenience.
If you require assistance for adding in the Canvas LOCR module into your Canvas course please see the tutorial You may also contact the IT hub for technical support for adding the LOCR module into your Canvas course at
Please let us know if you have any questions,
Patricia Foster, BA, MLIS
UBC Woodward Library – Integrated Sciences