Week of December 20, 2022


Uploading Grades to Faculty Services Centre
A gentle reminder for all instructors to submit final student grades to the Faculty Service Centre (FSC) after posting the grades on Canvas. All final grades must be submitted to FSC either:
(1) 7 business days following the examination date OR
(2) 5 days following examination dates written on the last 2 days of the examination period.
Please refer to the FSC User Guide
for information on uploading grades (p. 16-24) and other features of FSC. Additionally, please refer to LT Hub’s Uploading Canvas Grades to FSC Guide for instructions on downloading the Canvas gradebook (.csv file), reformatting and then uploading it to FSC.
Communication Plan of Exam Cancellations due to Snow
If any exams are cancelled, UBC central communications team will post announcements on UBC’s website and social media. Shortly thereafter, the Registrar’s office will communicate directly with students, instructors, and invigilators. Decisions about exams will happen twice per day:
(1) For exams starting at 8:30 am and 12 pm, announcements will be made at 9pm the previous evening.
(2) For exams starting at 3:30 pm and 7 pm, announcements will be made at 9 am on the same day.
Note that exams will not be pivoted online.
To avoid confusion, the Faculty of Forestry will refrain from sending exam cancellation announcements to you. Instead, please rely on communications from central UBC. Lastly, if an exam gets cancelled, the Registrar’s office will reschedule the exam to occur in January 2023 after the start of Term 2. You will be contacted in early January with further info about the new schedule if this happens.
Congratulations to Lindsay Cuff who will be leading a large team project entitled “Flexible hybrid writing instruction
throughout undergraduate curricula: Fostering students’ growth, persistence, and identity as writers in scholarly communities and beyond.” It will be fantastic to help our students improve their writing while supporting their intellectual growth as scholars.
Congratulations to John Innes, William Nikolakis, and Michelle Zeng whose project is entitled “Turning the Indigenous
Land Stewardship program into a multi-access program.” This project will support multi-access delivery of our new Bachelor of Indigenous Land Stewardship program and increase accessibility for scholars (instructors and students) in remote locations.
Canvas Site for GIS and Remote Sensing
A Canvas site for GIS and remote sensing resources has been created by Haitao Li, Forestry’s Geospatial Systems Analyst,
and the Teaching & Learning Support Team. It is designed for anyone interested in using geomatics technology in their research, teaching, and learning.
The site can be accessed here. In the homepage, you can find 4 modules: Theory, Tools, Data, and Application. The topics in each module are selected
based on popular questions. We continuously create new videos and are also open to any topics. Feel free to tell Haitao (ht.li@ubc.ca) the skills or concepts you would like to see in this site.


Classroom AV & Lecture Capturing
If you are teaching in the Faculty of Forestry next term and would like to test the AV and lecture capturing system in
your assigned classrooms, please contact
forestry.tls@ubc.ca to book an AV demo.
If your assigned classrooms are outside of our faculty, we would be happy to help you
try the AV system in a Forestry classroom with similar setups.
More information about classroom recording and live streaming can be found
Canvas & Learning Tools Support
If you have questions about setting up Canvas for your courses next term, please reach out to us via forestry.tls@ubc.ca
and/or check out the tip-sheets here.
Forestry Teaching & Learning Drop-in
Time: Fridays, 2023 (1 – 2 pm)
We will continue to host drop-in sessions to answer teaching related questions in Term 2. Instructors and TAs are welcome to join the Zoom meeting.
Students as Partners Fund Information Session
Time: Jan 17, 2023 (12:30 – 2:00 pm)
The Students as Partners fund supports faculty-student teams to work together to redesign undergraduate courses at UBC
Vancouver. Register the session here.
Inclusive Teaching: What is it and Why Does it Matter
Time: Jan 24, 2023 (1:00 – 2:30 pm)
This session is for anyone who teaches at UBC who is looking for an introduction to inclusive teaching practices. Register here.

Have news to share or questions to ask?